'Game of Thrones' season 6 spoilers: New season to deviate from George R.R. Martin book series?

Kit Harington as Jon Snow during the Game of Thrones season 5 finaleHBO

As many may have already guessed, "Game of Thrones" season 6 will not be entirely be loyal to George R.R. Martin's book series "A Song of Ice and Fire," where the first five seasons were all based on.

This is what actress Gemma Whelan, who is better known to fans as the fierce warrior Yara Greyjoy, "sort of" confirmed when asked by British Comedy Guide where the show is headed now that the award-winning HBO show has overtaken the saga.

"Not run out of books really, but they've liaised with George R. R. Martin who writes the books, and gone off on their tangent, with his approval," Whelan said. "So that's why people are even more interested in spoilers. It's funny isn't it, there's no other show like it," she added.

Whelan's return to "Game of Thrones" season 6 was originally kept tightly under wraps as well and the star admitted it was very difficult keeping it that way especially now that more and more people are raring to acquire even the smallest of detail about the show.

In the same interview, she said she is glad, in a way, knowing that the secret about her inclusion in the series is finally out as she is now saved from the stress of keeping her lips tight about "Game of Thrones" season 6.

"The Winds of Winter," the sixth volume in the saga that should be the grounds of the new season, is still unfinished. According to reports, the installment will hit the shelves sometime before the new season of the show premieres.

The general consensus is that new episodes from "Game of Thrones" season 6 will air around April next year. That being said, the highly anticipated book should be out at least months or weeks before that. However, this doesn't change the fact that there will be deviation from the source material.