Game of Thrones season 5 live stream (HBO GO): Watch episode 6 online - 'Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken'

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"Game of Thrones" season 5 episode 7, titled "The Gift," is a direct reference to the patch of land that the Night's Watch promises the wildlings should they cover over south of the wall and help Stannis reclaim Winterfell and help the Night's Watch fight the White Walkers when winter comes. 

The episode is also a metaphor for the main events that it will cover. Lord Commander Jon Snow will have to prepare for conflict as he continues to disagree with a stubborn Stannis. Snow also has to take Tormund Giantsbane and the wildlings up north to Hardhome to rescue the other free folk from the White Walkers before it's too late.

All the preparations he'll have to make and the compromises he'll take will be depicted in this episode, which is quite a departure from the events that unfolded in the "A Song of Ice and Fire" book series. In the books, Snow never went north and instead marched south to Winterfell, against all the laws of the Night's Watch.

Winterfell will also see its fair share of trouble in this episode. Sansa will continue attempting to communicate with Theon Greyjoy/Reek, slowly trying to restore his sanity and perhaps use him in her secret war against Ramsay and Roose Bolton.

Lady Brienne and her squire Podrick will also be waiting on Sansa. It isn't clear yet what sign they need but Sansa knows that she has an ally ready to fight for her side when needed. Their scheming might come into fruition before season 5 is over.

According to a report from Melty, the episode will also depict Jaime and Bronn finally clashing with the Sand Snakes in Dorne. It is possible that Myrcella may have already escaped, with her lover Trystane Martell by her side, before Jaime even realizes it and he'll be stuck searching for her as he faces the wrath of Dorne.

"Game of Thrones" episode 7 "The Gift" will air on May 24 2015.

Episode 6, titled 'Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken,' will air May 18 on HBO. Alternatively, it can be watched online through live stream with HBO GO.