'Game of Thrones' season 6 spoilers: Balon Greyjoy speculated to die early in the season

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"Game of Thrones" has deviated far from the original source material, the novels by George R.R. Martin, while still retaining the same general themes and characters. One major difference is that in the books, Balon Greyjoy (played in the series by Patrick Malahide) died as early as the second book but is still alive on the show.

According to a report from the iDigital Times, this is very likely to change even as early as the premiere episode. Last year, there were several leaked photos showcasing the crew of "Game of Thrones" filming in what appears to be a bridged location and this may be the production finally filming the death of the King of the Iron Islands.

These images only showcase the potential location but the full length trailer does not reveal any plot scenes revolving around the Iron Islands and their current political issues. The very last time the area was visited was several seasons ago when Theon (Alfie Allen) was going to be rescued.

In the books, the death of Balon Greyjoy plays a major role as it portrays the time when the Ironborn leaders began a vote to elect their next king. This is when Euron and Victarion Greyjoy will make their mark, with the latter stepping over all of his relatives after being gone at sea for several years.

According to the events that play out in the book, Victarion will win the Kingsmoot and begin a plan that involves him sailing all the way to Mereen in order to win the favor of Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke). 

It is also unclear if the season will use the same actor for Balon Greyjoy or if he will be recast given that his only remaining role in the series is to be killed off. According to the report, Theon may survive long enough to become the new king of the Ironborn now that he and Sansa (Sophie Turner) have escaped from Winterfell.

"Game of Thrones" season 6 premieres this April 24.