'Game of Thrones' season 6 spoilers, predictions, cast; Recap of season 5

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Last Sunday, we threw out predictions on how "Game of Thrones" season 5 finale will turn out in reference to George R.R. Martin's book series, "A Song of Fire and Ice." After the season finale was aired, there were obvious hits and misses and turns in the story that were not in the prediction. According to data gathered by Nielsen Media Research, more than 8 million people stood by and saw through the finale, a number which broke the previous viewership record for "Game of Thrones."

The final season 5 episode started with scenes from the morning after Shireen's death. Although the Lord of Light fulfilled his promise and cleared the weather, Stannis' loyal men reported that every sellsword has packed up and left. He then discovers that his wife Selyse hanged herself. Melisandre rode for the wall after learning the news. Stannis then, against all reason, decided to march his men to Winterfell, only to be slaughtered by the North's cavalry. After the battle, which wasn't even shown, the wounded Stannis, catching his breath underneath a tree, was found by Brienne and Podrick. Brienne informed him of who she was and who she served and proceeded to bring down "Oathkeeper" after Stannis' admittance to his murder of Renly. The scene was cut off as Brienne brought down her sword and no corpse, nor a head, was shown. This led some to believe that Stannis is still alive just like in the books. However, HBO quelled this theory by confirming that Stannis is dead through the HBO viewer's guide.

The battle that took place outside Winterfell allowed Sansa and Theon Greyjoy/Reek to escape. This happened after Theon pushed Miranda from a tower, which came about when she threatened to hurt Sansa. Fearing for their lives, the two then jumped off Winterfell Walls. High the walls may be, the huge bank of snow should provide them enough cushion to save them from the fall. Although the escape coincides with the books, Sansa and Theon's storyline progression is very vague at the moment, especially with Stannis' death. 

In Dorne, Jamie, Bronn, Myrcella and Trystane are boarding a ship to King's Landing. Before the departure, Ellaria kisses Myrcella, as what appeared to be a courtesy. However, while the princess informed Jamie that she knows and is glad to be his daughter, she started bleeding and fainted. It was then revealed that Ellaria poisoned Myrcella through the kiss. Some argue that she is still alive, however, HBO's viewer's guide has once again confirmed her death. This adds Myrcella to a list of characters that are still alive in the books but were killed off in the TV series.

Significant events also transpired in Braavos, where Arya Stark proceeded to kill Ser Meryn Trant, the corrupt knight who killed her dancing master and was later revealed to be a sadist and a pedophile. The gratifying scene was filled with gore; Arya started by stabbing the eyes, a dozen stabs to the chest and a killing blow to the side, which probably lacerated a few internal organs. After the vengeful killing, Arya went back to the House of Black and White where Jaqen confronted her. A poison-filled-vial and a few dialogues later, Arya's vision started to become blurry and she went blind. "Only death can pay for life," was what Jaqen reminded her of when she began losing her vision. Arya going blind is in line with the books.

Meanwhile, in King's Landing, Cersei finally confessed to the high septon, who allowed her to see her son, King Tommen, granted that she takes the walk of penance. Her hair was cut short, she was stripped naked and made to walk a long way to the Red Keep. She was spat at, gouged, thrown stuff at, pushed and cursed at. "This was the end to a very painful yet important journey for Cersei," said by Lena Headey in an interview with Variety. Upon reaching the Red Keep, Cersei is wrapped in a Lannister Red cloth by Qyburn and presents her with the new king's guard member, the "improved" Gregor Clegane, who was introduced as Ser Robert Strong.

In Meereen, Jorah Mormont and Daario Naharis set out to search for Daenerys after Drogon carried her off to lands unknown. Meanwhile, Tyrion Lannister gets left behind and tasked to run Meereen under Daenerys' name. The spider, Varys, then appeared before him with an affirmation that Tyrion has the capacity to govern the city. Daenerys on the other hand, wanders off after Drogon refuses to fly back to Meereen. She then finds herself surrounded by a horde of Dothraki led by Khal Drogo's former lieutenant, Jhaqo. The series seems to be setting her up as the one to unite all of Essos, following in the footsteps of Aegon "The Conqueror", the man who united the seven kingdoms.

Finally, on the Wall, Davos tries to convince Jon Snow to send men and food for Stannis Army, only to learn from Melisandre that Stannis and his army were wiped out by the Boltons. After sending Sam, accompanied by Gilly and her baby, to train and become maester at the Citadel, Jon was tricked by Olly into coming out of his room only to find his Night's Watch brothers waiting to kill him. Alliser Thorne stabbed Lord Commander Snow first whilst Olly dealt the final and killing blow. The presence of the red priestess Milesandre, however, created a lot of hype into Jon Snow being revived. After all, Jon Snow plays as one of the major protagonists and is theorized to be the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, making him the best fit to be "Azor Ahai"; the prince that was promised to save the kingdoms from "The Other", which controls the White Walkers. Granted the strong possibility of the theory and Jon Snow's great relevance, even Kit Harington's confirmation of him not being in the sixth season is doubted by many. "I've been told I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm not coming back next season," said Kit Harington in an interview with Entertainment Weekly regarding Jon Snow's Death. Further doubts were raised regarding Harington's statement because he is still in Belfast, where the "Game of Thrones" has been filmed for all 5 seasons and will continue to remain so for season 6 and possibly 7.

Casting for "Game of Thrones" season 6 has begun prior to the airing of season 5's finale. Watchers on the Wall has reported that the TV show producers are looking for a pirate, which is likely to be Euron Greyjoy; a father, rumored to be Randyll Tarly; 3 boys ages 7 to 12, one of whom needs blue eyes while the other needs to have green eyes, much like what Sean Bean had and thus, hinting flashbacks; a strong man with mixed ethnicity, which is proposed to be Ser Gerold Dayne. A lead actress position also opened together with a mother in her 50's, a sister in her early 20's and a brother in his mid-20's.