'Game of Thrones' season 8 spoilers: Varying Endings

A screen capture from the HBO hit "Game of Thrones"Facebook/GameOfThrones

No doubt that HBO's "Game of Thrones" is the most popular TV show right now. Along with that fame comes a slew of headaches for HBO and the show's production people. Plagued by constant episode and script leaks, the network has now taken extra measures to make sure that not one episode in season 8 gets leaked, and they have come up with a great solution: shoot multiple endings.

Being a show that does not shy away from graphic and bloodthirsty aesthetic, the first possible ending could be that everyone dies. Last season saw the Night King breach The Wall with the help of zombie Viserion. With the horde of zombies making their way to Winterfell, it might not be far–fetched that everyone will not survive the great zombie horde.

The second probable ending could find Cersei Lannister played by Lena Headey, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, the winner in this game. Time and time again, Cersei has proven herself to be as cunning (probably more so) as her father and outliving anyone that has judged her for being female. Her pretending to agree to join the arms against the zombie could prove vital for her as she waits for the war in the North to sort itself out and for her to just pick-off the survivors.

Another ending worth looking into is the probability of Daenerys' (Emilia Clarke) death. Season 7 maybe foreshadowing her demise with her brave stance in continuing to ride her dragons to battle with her advisors being against it. The series has seen her grow from a little girl sold into slavery into a self-confident young woman with the power and loyalty to take back the kingdom that belonged to her and her family. Daenerys might be able to break the wheel and build a better world for Westeros but to do that, she might have to give her life for it.