'Game of Thrones' star Sophie Turner criticizes YouTuber Logan Paul's apology

YouTube star Paul LoganReuters/Mike Blake

One simply does not incur the wrath of Sansa Stark and hope to walk away unscathed.

At least that seemed to be the case when YouTuber Logan Paul made the mistake of uploading a video of a dead person's body, which drew tons of negative reactions and criticism from many people, including "Game of Thrones" actress Sophie Turner.

The video, which was uploaded on Paul's YouTube channel, went viral very quickly, getting over a million views in just one day. It showed Paul and a friend coming accross a man's corpse while walking around Aokigahara, more popularly known to the world as Japan's "Suicide Forest."

He then repeatedly zoomed in on the body with his camera. After his friend told him that he did not feel very good after what they just saw, Paul teased him, saying "What, you never stand next to a dead guy?" before laughing.

All the negative response his video received prompted Paul to immediately remove it and issue a public apology via twitter saying that his actions were misguided by shock and awe, and him laughing at what he was filming was a coping mechanism. Part of his statement was that he had good intentions in mind when he uploaded the video:

"I did not do it for views. I get views. I did it because I thought I could make a positive ripple on the internet, not cause a monsoon of negativity. That is never the intention. I intended to raise awareness for suicide and suicide prevention and while I thought 'if this video saves just ONE life, it'll be worth it', I was misguided by shock and awe, as portrayed in the video. I still am." He said as quoted by Metro.

He then added that "I do this [expletive] every day. I made a 15 minute TV show EVERY SINGLE DAY for the past 460+ days. One may understand that it's easy to get caught up in the moment without fully weighing up the ramifications."

His apology, however, did not sit well with Turner. The 21-year-old actress criticized Paul and his apology, saying that it was self-raising and that he had mocked the man who took his life.

Turner said via twitter: 'You're an idiot. You're not raising awareness. You're mocking. I can't believe how self-praising your "apology" is. You don't deserve the success (views) you have. I pray to God you never have to experience anything like that man did.'

Sophie Turner's response to Logan Paul's apologyTwitter/Sophie Turner

Meanwhile, a lot of people have called for Paul's channel to be permanently shut down. The online petition website Change received 5,000 signatures in 12 hours. As of this writing, the petition already has over 46,000 signatures of the 50,000 that is needed to have Paul close down his channel.