Gay Unions in Greece called for by Human Rights Watchdogs

In a move expected to provoke fierce opposition from the Orthodox Church, Greece's human rights committee yesterday called for same-sex civil unions so that homosexuals and heterosexuals have equal social benefits.

According to local and international news agencies, the National Human Rights Committee (EEDA), which advises the prime minister and government, proposed laws be amended for "the legal recognition of a real symbiotic relationship between homosexuals."

The EEDA said it was not talking about marriage or adoption but gay civil unions to permit filing tax forms, receiving pensions and other social benefits.

"It is now up to the Justice Ministry to take it further and implement what we have proposed," said EEDA scientific adviser Christina Papadopoulou, according to the Athens-based Kathimerini news agency.

When asked whether she expected a reaction from the Church, Papadopoulou said, "We are dealing with this only as a state issue. We do not care if the Church agrees or not."

Meanwhile, Greek gay groups said the proposal was a good start but needed to go further.

Kenneth Chan
Ecumenical Press