'Gears of War 4' release date at E3 in June still unconfirmed

Gears of War 4 release date still unconfirmed.Epic Games

Microsoft still has not confirmed the release "Gears of Wars 4" at the E3 event next month.

Many waiting fans were hoping that "Gears of War" will make an appearance at the E3 event. However, publisher Microsoft Games has not revealed any details yet.

Microsoft recently bought the franchise from Epic Games and assigned Canada-based Black Tusk with Rod Fergusson to be in charge of the development of the game.

In a teaser, Fergusson told Official Xbox Magazine (OXM), that the next Gears of War is all about "managing betrayal". This is very critical since developers usually have to retain the aspects of the game that gamers love. Fans will feel betrayed if developers will introduce new things that were not included in the previous games.

According to Fergusson, fans favored fresh concepts but, at the same time, these new integrations should be anchored on the original game. Developers should avoid things that are not relatable.

Meanwhile, lead writer of "Gears of War 2 and 3" Joshua Ortega wished that Black Tusk will bring back the franchise to its roots on its fourth release. Unfortunately, Ortega is not working on the game.

Ortega specifically mentioned E-Day which he claimed as a good thing to explore because of its emotional impact when the children of Dom and Maria were lost, as well as its man-to-man combat.

"Gears of War 4" may be revealed on E3 as Microsoft has the tradition of putting its own games in the frontline. Also, a lot of new titles will be released on the said event while others were rumored to be released in the fall. Thus, it will be an advantage to put the new game in the market early. However, the software giant has yet to reveal the release date of the title to its premier console – Xbox One.