'Gears of War 4' release date news: Marcus Fenix featured prominently in Gamescom footage

Gears of War 4 - Marcus FenixThe Coalition

One of the most highly anticipated games for the Xbox One is "Gears of War 4" and fans of the franchise got to witness a demo of the game during the recent Gamescom. As reported by Engadget, one of the main highlights of the presentation was the reveal of Marcus Fenix, the original character of the first three games.

Marcus is presented as a much older man now with grey and white hair. He is not going to be a playable character and is instead presented as an AI companion to the new playable character: Marcus' son JD Fenix. The report points out that this will give players a fresh new perspective on the franchise.

The Coalition creative director Chuck Osieja explained that Marcus has become the reluctant hero from the Locust War of the original trilogy. He has to deal with how the government has used him and how his son has never had to live with the horrors of war before. He's far from perfect and a sequence in the Gamescom footage proved this when he made a bad judgment call by keeping the group in a barn that was quickly blown off during a storm.

Osieja also explained that there is a stark difference between Marcus and JD. In the original games, Marcus and his companions already knew everything about the Locusts and it was only the player that had to learn things all over again. This is different now as JD and the player both don't know anything about the new enemy, the Swarm.

"The way he observes the world and the way he reacts is different to J.D., because J.D. is a reflection of the player. When the player doesn't know something, they instinctively ask questions - you want the main character to ask those same questions in the game so they can be answered by people inside the environment," Osieja explained.

"Gears of War 4" will be released on Oct. 11.