General Larsson Leads Thousands of Salvationists at First Ever All Africa Congress

The Salvation Army has held its first ever All Africa Congress with more than 7,000 delegates gathering at the National Sports Stadium in Harare, Zimbabwe from 24-28 August 2005.

Thousands rejoiced and General John Larsson, Commissioner Freda Larsson, Chief of the Staff Commissioner Israel L. Gaither, Commissioner Eva D. Gaither and Africa Zone leaders Commissioners Amos and Rosemary Makina marched in together with a vast host of Salvationists from all of the African territories, commands and regions.

The Zimbabwe territorial leaders; Commissioners Stanslous and Jannet Mutewera along with the Vice President of Zimbabwe, Her Excellency Joyce T. Mujuru, the acting mayor of Harare and the town clerk, all of whom are Salvationists, all came together to offer a warm welcome to the international leaders.

The Opening Ceremony consisted of 700 junior soldiers from Zimbabwe presenting a colourful mass display. The Salvation Army General Larsson was overjoyed by the celebrations saying, “I have never seen anything like it. It was fantastic.”

A major feature of the congress was the specially-composed theme chorus entitled, “Africa for Christ”, which was taught to the delegates.

General Larsson gave a message reminding the delegates that they had come together for a united purpose, which was to be empowered to go into Africa with the good news of Jesus Christ.

Many described that at the five days of the congress at the National Stadium that the area became ‘Salvation Army city’ with Salvationists seen everywhere with their colourful uniforms.

During each day delegates were divided onto groups for seminars, but united together each evening for major events. A diverse range of subjects were covered such as evangelism, combating HIV/Aids, marriage, youth, doctrine and Bible study. However, one particular highlight of the congress was the Sports Ministry.

The Territorial Commander in Nigeria, Commissioner Stuart Mungate led a theological seminar and highlighted the theological challenge of mission in Africa. The seminar created so much interest that a whole extra session was arranged to cater for thousands more wanting to find out more.

Among the main evening events included ‘An Evening with the General’ at which General Larsson spoke about the international Salvation Army. He declared, “Africa is the continent that is wide open to the Gospel!”

On Saturday morning, one street in Harare was basically closed off as thousands of Salvationists marched from Fourth Street to the Town House where the international leaders were saluted.

At a men’s rally led by Lieutenant-Colonel Johnson Asoegwu, the Chief Secretary of Nigeria, Salvationists gave a presentation on ‘A Man and Hid Family’. What followed was a hugely moving and powerful proclamation of the Gospel and men recommitted themselves to the Lord and to carrying out his work.

The final meeting on Sunday morning drew approximately 12,000 delegates and was led by the Chief of the Staff. An official recognition was given for exceptional service to soldiers and officers working in Africa, including many people that were venturing out and setting up The Salvation Army in new regions.

General Larsson gave a final message and challenged Salvationists to go back to their communities and make ‘Africa for Christ’ a reality. He invited delegates to consecrate themselves on the soccer field – creating the largest mercy seat in the world. As a result an overwhelming response was seen, with thousands literally coming forward to pray.

In conclusion, General Larsson thanked God for the amazing event of the first ever ALL Africa Congress, and thanked the Zimbabwe Territory for the great dedication and achievement of hosting the event so successfully.