George R.R. Martin prioritizes 'Winds of Winter,' not script writing 'Game of Thrones' season 6

George RR Martin[Photo credit: George RR Martin | Twitter]

Fans have been waiting for years for "Winds of Winter," which is currently being worked on by bestselling author George R.R. Martin. The staying power is, for the most part, due to the excitement of finding out what would happen next in Westeros. The rest is for its series adaptation "Game of Thrones" to have enough material for the seasons to come. 

However, the 67-year-old novelist is leaving the script writing for season 6 of the smash hit series to the folks at HBO. Martin does not want to entertain any more distractions, and writing the script for "Game of Thrones" has become one. 

Instead of writing anything else, Martin would like to give all his attention to "Winds of Winter" as he said that "[his] energies are best devoted to [it]." In his blog, he explained further as to why "Game of Thrones" will have to be at the backburner for a while. 

"Writing a script takes me three weeks, minimum, and longer when it is not a straight adaptation from the novels," he shared on his blog. "And really, it would cost me more time than that, since I have never been good at changing gears from one medium to another and back again." 

Furthermore, working on season 6 will take away one whole month he could use for writing the highly-anticipated sixth volume of his epic "A Song of Ice and Fire" series. He then said that David Benioff, DB Weiss, and Bryan Cogman will be taking care of the script writing. 

Indeed, Martin's "plate is full" and not just because of "Winds of Winter." He is also editing the latest volume of the sci-fi anthology series "Wild Cards," which he described is "high stakes." There are also three HBO television shows on his cards as well as "a couple of videogames." 

"There's the Wild Cards movie at Universal, where I'm a producer. And I've recently formed a new production company to make low budget short films based on a trio of classic short stories by... well, no, not yet, that would be telling. Premature telling," he further enumerated.

He is also entertaining the idea of a "huge epic movie" to wrap up the eight seasons of the series. So by now, the world knows how hectic Martin's schedule is that he has to put "Game of Thrones" aside.