George Zimmerman trial live stream: Watch online coverage as Defense concludes case in Trayvon Marton murder trial

George Zimmerman's defense attorneys are set to wind down their case on Wednesday in the second degree murder trial for the killing of teen Trayvon Martin.

Day 12 of the trial will commence at 9 a.m. ET and can be watched online through live stream on the video player provided below.

Before the defense can finish up their case the judge is set to rule on two requests by the defense attorneys.

Judge Debra Nelson has to decide whether to allow jurors to view an animation that depicts Zimmerman's fight with Martin.

The second is whether she will allow Martin's text messages that are believed to deal with fighting. The judge has confirmed that she will rule on both matters Wednesday morning, and that could see the defense team continue for longer or shorter depending on the results.

So far Zimmerman himself has not testified, however, his version of events has been played out for jurors in a video recording of him speaking to police investigators in the aftermath of the killing.

However, many analysts have stated their belief that the prosecution has not reached the standard required to prove murder, with some even questioning whether a conviction for manslaughter will be achieved. That may be a big consideration in the defense team keeping Zimmerman off the stand, as if they believe the prosecution has not done enough, they are extremely unlikely to risk putting Zimmerman up for prosecutors to question and chance anything going wrong.

The defense only began their case last Friday, and it seems that they have taken only about half the amount of time, and called half the amount of witnesses as the prosecution did.

Zimmerman shot and killed Martin as he returned unarmed from a local convenience store in February 2012. Zimmerman reportedly followed Martin, believing him to be suspicious, and despite dispatchers on 911 telling him to stay back and wait for police to arrive it appears he continued to follow Martin.

At some point an altercations occurred and in the fight between the pair Zimmerman shot and killed Martin. Zimmerman has claimed he acted entirely in self defense and that he feared for his life after Martin challenged him and started beating him up. Prosecutors meanwhile have tried to argue that Zimmerman was the one who racially profiled Martin and that he was the aggressor in the exchange.

The trial continues Wednesday and can be watched online through live stream via the video player below: