German Evangelical Alliance Conference Ends with Call For Social Responsibility

The 110th German Evangelical Alliance Conference ended on Sunday in Bad Blankenburg, Thuringia, with a call to all Christians to assume a greater social responsibility.

Participants at the Conference were also urged to engage themselves in bringing about a greater respect for biblical values in the run up to the elections in September.

More than 2,500 people, most of them under the age of thirty, attended the five-day Conference on the theme of ‘God is for us’.

Alliance General Secretary Hartmut Seeb said the world needs to hear the message that it is not on the way to unavoidable catastrophe.

He also said the responsibility lay primarily with theologians to show the way to the love of God and to talk to people about their relationship with God.

According to the Director of the Alliance Centre, Bishop Reinhard Holmer, the Conference showed a great readiness among Christians to engage independently with the Bible.

He also noted a ‘deeper proclamation’ of the Bible message as a particularly positive feature of the Conference.

Well-attended Bible groups and focus groups also demonstrated a keenness among participants at the Conference to live the life of faith, as well as genuine faith in Jesus Christ as a foundation for overcoming personal, financial or political crises.