German President Celebrates as Gideons Distribute 17 Million Bibles in 50 Years

|TOP|The German President, Horst Koehler has been presented with a special Gideon Bible on Jan. 6th in celebration of the Christian organisation’s historic achievement of distributing more than 17 million Bibles across Germany over the past 50 years.

The Gideons is named after a judge that comes out in the Old Testament of the Bible, and has become renowned for placing free Bibles in hotel rooms across the world.

In addition to hotels, the Gideons also reveal that they actively hand out Scripture to individuals in hospitals, prisons, schools, military institutions among many other places, in its efforts to spread the Gospel as far as possible.

The German premier gave thanks to the Gideons for its perseverance in the ministry, and gave further encouragement to continue its good works, state Assist News.

Koehler said, “Whenever I enter a hotel room, I am anxious to know if there is a Bible.”

|AD|Following the address by President Koehler, Helmut Bieber, who is the President of the German Gideon Federation complimented Koehler as he closed the inauguration address for encouraging Christians across the country, stating, “May God bless our country.”

Koehler also delighted the Christian audience by highlighting greatly various Christian values, reported the Vice President of Gideons Germany, Hartmut W. Brox.

In response to the German President’s compliments, the Executive Director Johannes Wendel, and the Commissioner for International Relations Konrad Weiss stated that the Gideons would constantly pray for Koehler.

The Gideons was founded by an American in 1899, and was established with the commission to distribute the Bible to bring people to Christ. The International HQ for the Gideons is in Nashville, Tennessee, and the organisation has approximately 250,000 volunteers working in more than 180 countries.

The Gideons explain that it currently distributes more than 63 million Bibles every single year.