Get Ready for Bible Sunday

|TOP|Bible Sunday will take place next month and now is a good time to start planning how your church is going to mark the day.

Thankfully the Bible Society has produced some great resources that will help, based around the theme “Chain Reaction: uncover the Bible’s awesome power” from St Paul’s commendation of Scripture to Timothy.

The resources for the day – 29 October – are designed to help churches explore the powerful chain reaction that Scripture created in the life of Timothy, his family and beyond.

They will also help the church to focus in on the Bible’s impact on the life of William Wilberforce ahead of next year’s commemorations to mark the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act as exemplified through campaigns like Stop the Traffik and Set All Free.

|AD|Further complementing these initiatives is the Bible Society’s Unchaining Word intended as an extra study and discussion resource.

The Unchaining Word is designed to help churches see the way the Bible drove the abolitionists to fight for change in their society and inspire them into deeper action by considering how the Bible might impact our actions and living today.

But Bible Sunday is also throwing the challenge to the individual Christian – and non-Christian - to allow the Bible to shape his or her life.

The resources produced by the Bible Society include a sermon and support notes based on 2 Timothy 3.14 – 4.5, prayers, music and worship suggestions, and drama sketches.

Timothy Dudley-Smith contributed to the resources with an inspiring new hymn, while Tim Crooks and Murray Watts, of The Miracle Maker fame, rounded-off the package with two thought-provoking drama sketches.

The resources are completely free and can be easily accessed by going to