Get ready for the M25 Nutcracker!

If you apply enough pressure, eventually something cracks. That’s the thinking behind a brand new prayer initiative to surround London with constant prayer in the 10 days running up to Pentecost Sunday.

The movement of prayer will go full circle around the capital with organisers aiming to set up prayer rooms at every junction of the M25 – 31 in total.

The aptly titled ‘M25 Nutcracker’ will involve continuous prayer in the 10 days running up to the Global Day of Prayer on Pentecost Sunday.

Christians driving the initiative forward believe that surrounding London with constant prayer will act like a huge spiritual nutcracker on the capital – the more pressure that’s applied, something’s eventually got to give!

Spearheading the initiative is Tim Harrold of Transformation Thurrock.

“Some people would say London is a tough place to crack but nothing is impossible in God,” he said.

Prayers will focus on London but also extend to the UK and its influence in the world.

Tim added, “I am praying for God to move and for the church to respond so that more people will come into the Kingdom. I want to see the Kingdom flowing down our streets.”

He also urged the church to get involved in the initiative on a united front, referring to the principle of Psalm 133, that God commands the blessing when brothers and sisters dwell in unity.

“The whole principle of unity is so key to what is going on. Jesus prayed that they would be brought into complete unity and he gave a new commandment: that if we love one another then the world will see that we are his disciples … Love one another and love people in other churches. Because it is key to and part of revival.”

The Nutcracker will run from Friday 22 May to Sunday 31 May 2009.

If you want to take part or help set up a prayer room contact Tim Harrold: or 07929 878 089