Getting kicked out of hotel helped 'Duck Dynasty' star Jase Robertson form friendship with Donald Trump's family

Jase Robertson bonded with Donald Trump Jr. because of their common concern over kids with cleft lip or palate.(Wikimedia)

"Duck Dynasty" star Willie Robertson has been seen supporting Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump during his campaign trail, but they are not the only ones from either side of the families who have formed a friendship.

Several years ago, Willie's older brother Jase actually met with the Trumps after he got booted out from a Trump hotel. "I was here in New York a couple of years ago, and I get escorted out of the Trump hotel that I was staying in," Jase shared with PEOPLE. "But a guy, when I asked him where the bathroom is, he looked at me, and thought, 'Right this way,' and he grabbed my arm, took me outside and pointed at Central Park and said, 'Have a nice day.'"

When the Trumps got wind of the incident, they became very upset that a guest was treated the way Jase was, so they called him up and offered an apology. They said Jase can call them up anytime he or his family members were in town, and so Jase did.

Not only did Jase experience some of Trump's hospitality, he also bonded with Trump's son Donald Jr. "We actually really hit it off because he has a heart for kids with the same condition as Mia," Jase said. "Well, anyone who has a heart for kids with cleft lip and palate is a positive on my list."

Despite their friendship, Jase said he is still undecided on who he would like the next president of the United States to be, and he is keeping his options open.

"I think we have a good crop (of candidates) this year – a lot of good people to choose from – so I'm excited about the process," he simply said.