GFA Church in India Experiences Fourth Attack as Persecution Intensifies

A church in India founded by Gospel for Asia missionaries has been the victim of a fourth anti-Christian attack over just the past one year.

The Believers Church in Lamding has suffered numerous attacks by members of the non-Christian community who have vandalised the Church building. This latest attack has been attributed to members of India’s upper caste, the Brahmins.

K.P. Yohannan, founder of Gospel for Asia (GFA), said such assaults on Indian Christians could not break their faith, but rather strengthen it: "After all these things, the believers decided that even if the police and the government will not give them protection, they will camp at the [church] site day and night and rebuild."

Yohannan said it was only by the grace of God that nobody was killed in this latest incident because "the news reached the believers and the pastor that this was going to happen."

He also alleged that the perpetrators "were actually coming to kill everybody."

According to the GFA spokesman, "a good number of these people have come to know the Lord, been baptised and joined the church."

Mr Yohannan deems another attack imminent, saying he feared such anti-Christian gangs will "come in the middle of the night to tear the whole thing down."