GFA Church Raided by Anti-Christian group in Southern India

In Southern India, 300 members of a radical anti-Christian group have been reported to have raided a Gospel for Asia (GFA) church in Karnataka state during the Sunday service being held on 8th August.

The group interrupted the service, yelled accusations against the Christians and distributed propaganda against missionaries. Pastor Ramzan of the church was threatened and was accused of forcibly converting people to Christianity. But the local authorities took no action in response to the actions.

Just a few months ago, Christians in India were celebrating the victory of the Congress Party over the BJP, known as a radical Hindu party. But the atmosphere seems to have changed after a series of recent threats.

Previously many Christian workers fled the area because of warnings from opposers of the Gospel. But Pastor Ramzan remained and continued to reach lost people for Christ. Karnataka is South India's most spiritually destitute state, with nearly all of its people still unreached. Out of a population of 53 million, only 2.1 percent are recorded as Christian.