Ghana President Praises Mercy Ship as 'Vessel of God'

The president of the west African nation of Ghana praised a faith-based charity group on Thursday as a "vessel of God" for helping medically and economically thousands of Ghanaians over the course of nine months.

President John Kofi Agyekum Kufuor of Ghana delivered a speech on Mercy Ship Anastasis in the Port of Tema to thank the crew of volunteers for their service to the people of Ghana.

"I am convinced you are a vessel of God," said President Kufuor, according to Texas-based Mercy Ships, "and I'm praying that you will continue to do this work. Ghana is grateful for the work you have done."

According to Dr. Gary Parker, Mercy Ships' chief of medicine, the charity's hospital ship provided thousands of free medical procedures, including: 639 general, reconstructive and gynecological surgeries; more than 19,000 eye consultations resulting in 1,364 eye surgeries; and 10,211 dental procedures for 5,435 patients over the course of nine months.