'Ghostbusters 3' updates: How will the all-female spirit exterminators form?

Many may still be struggling with letting the thought of an all-female "Ghostbusters" sink in. But who said that exterminating specters is only a guy's thing? Certainly not the people behind "Ghostbusters 3." 

Director Paul Feig, who directed "The Heat" and "Bridesmaids," has a whole new take on the legendary franchise and that is to have four funny women counterparts of scientists Peter Venkman, Raymond Stantz, Egon Spengler and Winston Zeddemore wipe out the otherworldly forces that creep into the streets of Manhattan. 

Comedy queens Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones will join forces in the forthcoming film to show that girl power is all it takes for menacing spirits to quit bothering the denizens of New York.

According to reports, Wiig will play the role of Professor Erin Gabler, a non-believer of ghosts, who authored a book about their existence. The book was co-written by her estranged friend Abby Bergman, who thinks that ghosts do lurk and prowl. 

There is info on Jones' and McCarthy's characters but rumors have yet to pinpoint who is who. There is someone named Patty Tolan, who shares the same belief with Abby and joins the group solely because she herself saw a ghost. Also, Abby has a research partner who will be the one to develop the new ghost-busting technology and start their not at all mundane career as ghostbusters. 

Many are not a fan of the idea of having a female posse take on the iconic roles, although there are also others who expressed their support to the reboot (although insanely different) of the 1984 franchise. Some of those are the original characters themselves. 

Sigourney Weaver, the actress who played the lead female character Dana Barrett in the original "Ghostbusters" films, has her thumbs up for the female-only ghost-kicking squad.

"I think they're going to be awesome. I think it's a great idea. The women in it are fabulous. I love them all," the actress said, according to a tweet by Fox 5's Kevin McCarthy.

Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd a.k.a. Peter Venkman and Raymond Stantz also nodded to Feig's idea, the former even promising to watch "Ghostbusters 3" back when it was still a rumor. Ernie Hudson, Winston Zeddemore in the original movies, thought the "Ghostbusters 3" was a bad idea until he got to know who his and his fellow mad scientists' "fiercely funny, foxy" counterparts would be. 

"Ghostbusters 3" will hit the silver screen on July 22, 2016. Production is set to begin in summer.