'Ghostbusters 3' movie release date with all female cast set for July 2016

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For years, the concept of "Ghostbuster 3" has been out in the air as people mentioned it on talk shows and then completely forgot about it. However, it is no longer a rumor or something that might never happen. Director Paul Feig had already dished out when the film will hit theaters.

In his Twitter feed, he said, "In other news, #Ghostbusters will be hitting theaters July 22, 2016. Save the date!"

Furthermore, Feig has done a twist on the original "Ghostbusters" by going for an all-woman cast to play the team that captures and traps the menacing spirits everybody is afraid of. The main cast is comprised of Kate McKinnon, Leslie Jones, Melissa McCarthy, and Kristen Wiig. Feig's choice is interesting for although the ladies may seem to be less exposed to working in films, they are all established champions of the comedy universe — all the women are or have been regulars on Saturday Night Live. 

Producer Ivan Reitman had long confirmed that the "Ghostbusters III" project is definitely underway and the wheels have been set in motion.

In an interview with Toronto Life in August last year, Reitman said, "The studio is in, and we have writers working on it as we speak. We're ­hoping to film at the beginning of next year. Dan Aykroyd and I meet about once a month to talk about it."

Of course, Ivan Reitman had to answer the most obvious question when anybody talks about making a "Ghostbusters" movie. Is Bull Murray coming back? Right off the bat, he said that Murray had publicly declined the proposal. However, he added that based on his experience working with the actor, he has observed that Murray never says yes to a movie until the shooting is just about to start.