'Gilmore Girls' revival spoilers: is one of the two Girls pregnant?

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There's a new speculation that a baby will be a big part of the "Gilmore Girls" revival and that a character should be prepping for parenthood already.

Bustle points out a photo from the "Gilmore Girls" Instagram, which was meant to spotlight a reference to an episode from the original.

Examining the photo in question, fans will notice something that looks like a stroller covered with a blanket by the doorway reflected on the mirror.

Because Dirty Whore was taken.

A photo posted by @gilmoregirls on

The site believes could be a hint that Lorelai (Lauren Graham) or Rory (Alexis Bledel) is pregnant and will have a baby in "Gilmore Girls" revival. This is not unlikely since many years have passed and things have changed since the original series. It is a bit tricky figuring out who the expecting character is. Bustle, however, points out that the previous photo shared on Instagram featured the one food Lorelai asked for when she thought she was pregnant. Whether or not this has to do with the following post with the stroller remains to be seen.

Pop-Tart appetizers to hold us over 'till the pizza comes. And one apple.

A photo posted by @gilmoregirls on

However, the photos seem to hint that the "Gilmore Girls" revival may indeed feature pregnancy and babies. The clues so far also point to Lorelai being the one with the baby bump.

In the "Gilmore Girls" revival, Luke (Scott Patterson) and Lorelai are still together but are not married yet. Speaking to People, Patterson was coy as to whether or not a baby is on the way for the couple.

"We are together and we're sort of figuring out our next step," the actor said, refusing to hint the involvement of babies in "Gilmore Girls."

The revival will come in the form of four episodes with the length of feature films. The official title of the new "Gilmore Girls" by Netflix is "Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life."

All of the episodes will be available to stream on Nov. 25.