Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving Day was recently celebrated in America, and as we meditate on our lives so far, we have much to be thankful for. The Lord came and lowered himself for us, so that we might receive the gift of His Love.
|PIC1|How thankful is this? How was He able to do this for us? How was he, even in the face of death, able to forgive us?
John, the one who was to prepare the way, testifed the Lord as 'The Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world'.
Joseph, in his hardships and sufferings, also faced a difficult situation in which to give thanks, yet it is recorded gracefully in Genesis - 'this happened so that a greater good might be revealed'...
By so doing, he later fed his brothers through the famine and a great love could be revealed through his forgiveness.
As we face the turn of a new year; a possibility of many new hardships and sufferings could come to us also. The Pilgrims arriving in America after untold sufferings and journeys, and who could again face further hardships in building their new lives, faced a situation hard to give thanks, yet they gave it.
|QUOTE|Because they realised it was God who was guiding their lives, no matter what was to happen, no matter what was to come, on this one day, they gave thanks, for God guiding them thus far.
'The Journey: How to have faith in an uncertain world', was written recently by Billy Graham - 'having faith', though not easy, can become easy when we realise that it is a journey.
God is guiding us, God will lead us. Therefore, even if things seem hard, if we just hold on, God could reveal a greater love through us, and a great Glory might be revealed.
Let us also give thanks for everything, in all circumstances and situations.
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we prayed, Amen.