Glasgow Christians, Muslims renovate places of worship

A special project is due to conclude on Friday that has not only brought two of Glasgow's faith communities together, but demonstrated that they can co-exist happily alongside one another and work together for a common cause.

The Church of Scotland, represented by inter-faith worker Iain Stewart, of Govanhill Trinity Church, has been working with Rizi Mohammed from Central Mosque on a project to 'spruce up' both of these places of worship.

Iain and Rizi have been working with the Global Volunteer Agency, a link which has brought 18 volunteers from Syria to help clean and repair both the Central Mosque and Govanhill Trinity.

The first stage of the project started in mid-April with the cleaning and painting of railings outside Central Mosque.

Friday will see the project conclude with the painting of Govanhill Trinity Church hall.

Iain Stewart, the Kirk's inter-faith worker, said: "The previous work that was undertaken at Central Mosque was only a small but significant example of how Christians and Muslims and people of other faiths can work together for the greater good. This was a great way of putting the teaching of love your neighbour into practice."