'Glass' movie news: Synopsis for M. Night Shyamalan's superhero-like film revealed

Samuel L. Jackson at the San Diego Comic-Con in 2008. He will appear in the movie "Glass" in 2019.Wikimedia Commons/pinguino k

The synopsis for the upcoming movie "Glass" from writer and director M. Night Shyamalan was recently revealed, giving clues as to what moviegoers can expect.

According to the synopsis of the suspense-thriller, David Dunn (Bruce Willis), the protagonist from 2000's "Unbreakable," will go up against the villain Kevin Wendell Crumb aka The Beast (James McAvoy) from last year's "Split."

They will be joined by Elijah Price aka Mr. Glass (Samuel L. Jackson) who also appeared in "Unbreakable" and will be orchestrating their encounters in the background.

The synopsis reads: "Following the conclusion of 'Split,' Glass finds Dunn pursuing Crumb's superhuman figure of The Beast in a series of escalating encounters, while the shadowy presence of Price emerges as an orchestrator who holds secrets critical to both men."

This implies that Dunn will use his own superhuman strength to defeat and capture the powerful Crumb who also has his own extraordinary abilities.

In "Unbreakable," Dunn was revealed to have superhuman strength and abilities when he was the lone survivor of a horrific train crash and emerged from it without a scratch. He was able to take down a house burglar effortlessly which cemented his realization that he was not like other people. Furthermore, in all of his days working as a security guard, he never took a day off nor did he get sick.

In "Split," on the other hand, Crumb had several personalities but the one that was the most dangerous was The Beast who could willfully change his body structure and biology to harness the strength and abilities of different animals but most notably the lion.

Shyamalan described his upcoming movie as a "crazy comic book thriller" which suggests that the two main players will be battling it out in the end like in a superhero movie.

"Glass" will premiere in theaters on Jan. 18, 2019.