Global Day of Prayer Convener to plant new London church

Convener of London's Global Day of Prayer, Dr Jonathan Oloyede was released in an emotional service at Glory House on Sunday 28 September 2008, having announced to the congregation the fresh call of God upon them to start a church plant called City Chapel.

Radically saved from Islam within the wake of the revival that hit the Nigerian Universities in the 80s, Pastor Oloyede and his wife, Minister Abbiih Oloyede, were part of the founding members and leadership of Glory House when the church was inaugurated March 1993.

Pastor Oloyede was ordained in 1993 and has served in full-time ministry for over 15years in a range of roles.

He promised to continue his role of Convenor of the Global Day of Prayer London.

"I never had any ambition to start or head up a local church. It was around a year ago when God first spoke to me about starting afresh, but we put it on the back-burner," he said.

"However, over the year several people independently came up to us saying they believed God was calling us to start a new ministry. We finally gave in this summer because when God's speaks we have to obey His call. We are stepping out in total reliance on His grace and providence.

"This mandate ties in perfectly with that of calling the nation to prayer, there is no conflict."

Dr Albert Odulele, Senior Pastor and Founder of Glory House, added: "Jonathan will be sorely missed. He is responding to God's heavenly mandate and is reminiscent of when I began my journey of faith to start this church many years ago. He and his family leave with our blessings, support and prayers. We continue to see them as part of the family."

City Chapel is due to be launched in November and will be based in London. Pastor Oloyede and his wife have begun coordinating weekly Friday prayer meetings towards the launch. The ethos of City Chapel would be Loving God, Loving People and building Transformative Communities.