Global Day of Prayer in London Unites 1,000 in Worship

1,000 Christians are said to have gathered at Westminster Chapel, London on 3rd June, to mark Pentecost as part of the Global Day of Prayer.

|TOP|Speakers from across the world gathered, revealing the diversity of the prayer movement. Speakers from countries including Iran, Korea, Ghana, Spain, the Philippines, Columbia, Brazil, Italy, Nigeria, the Caribbean and the UK, all gathered in central London for the event.

The theme given to the evening was ‘Prayer; for our nations, unity of the Church and transformation’.

The prayer evening was hosted by Joel Edwards, General Director of the Evangelical Alliance, and Pastor Jonathan Oloyede, Associate Pastor of Glory House Church.

Among guest speakers attending the event were Celia Collins and Sam Yeghnazar who spoke respectively on the topics of The Power and Meaning of Pentecost for the Church Today and How Prayer Binds us across our Cultures.

|AD|The evening combined prayer with joyful worship, and despite the diversity of those gathered, true unity was seen in the earnest prayers offered by attendees to receive the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

Joel Edwards testified, “This was an evening of inspiration, prayer and worship in one of the most racially diverse settings I have ever attended. It demonstrated the spirit of Pentecost and linked us to the global movement of Christians celebrating God's activity around our world.”

There are already plans for a Global Day of Prayer for 2007 for a mass gathering to take place. It is hoped that thousands of Christians across the Greater London region will come together to support the wider activities of Christians carrying out the work of God throughout the world.

The Global Day of Prayer started in South Africa in 2001, when 45,000 Christians gathered to pray in Newlands Rugby Stadium in Cape Town. The project has expanded greatly, and in 2005, people from 156 nations around the world took part.

Further information is available on the website