Global Youth Outreach to be Catalyst for Youth Movements

|TOP|Thousands of young people from across the globe are expected to gather for Global Youth Outreach 2006, a large-scale initiative to transform a major city in the Arab world.

The four-day gathering will be held from July 11th to 14th as a three-day conference followed by a “Day of Compassion” in the host city, yet to be disclosed for security reasons.

The mainly Christian youths will gather together to be inspired before taking fresh vision back to their own cities and nations where they can start their own youth movements.

The main focus of the GYO is “holiness and destiny issues, all within the context of a call to whole-hearted worship and the sacrificial love of Jesus,” read a GYO statement.

|QUOTE|“The heart behind the GYO is to be a catalyst to ignite youth movements to begin, where cities would see their young men and women rise and take godly leadership in their communities, cities, and the nations of the earth,” read the statement.

Organisers of GYO 2006 hope to build on the success of last year’s event which pioneered in Durban, South Africa, where 232 people accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into their lives during the outreach.

"One of the highlights from the time was seeing the trust and courage of the local youth, particularly Zulus," said one worker from the Durban GYO. "Over the course of the conference we saw them really embrace us and the call of God on their lives.

“It was awesome to see them worshipping God and stage diving onto the hands of people they would have considered their enemies not too long ago and who had been strangers to them only a few days prior.

“There was an awesome trust, unhindered unity in the presence of God."

|AD|The GYO 2006 event will be attended by leading Christians from around the world as guest speakers, as well as some of the best known international worship bands.

A whole host of relevant and engaging seminars will be on offer to the young delegates as well as the opportunity for practical application.

"During every session, whether it was about forgiveness and repentance, youth as emerging leaders, unity or destiny, God moved," a youth said of last year's GYO in Durban. "On our last night, all the power in the building went out and we spent a good fifteen minutes crying out to God in Zulu and English. The shouts and energy there seemed to border on a riot level, but it was aimed at seeing breakthrough in the heavens. The lights came on, the programme continued with a lot of celebration and we closed with a clear call to missions.

“Every single person came out of their seats and linked hands at the front unity to reach a city, a nation, and beyond."

The Day of Compassion which follows the three-day GYO Conference is an opportunity for the youth to take to the streets of the host city to bless and serve through acts of kindness.

“We want to see the potential of youth explode as they are championed and released in their destinies. More than anything, we long to see a great mobilization of youth working in unity for the purposes of God in our generation and beyond so that all might know Jesus and love Him,” read the GYO statement.

You can get involved now by logging onto
to join intercessors around the world as they pray to God for the arrival of the Kingdom of God in cities around the world.

If you would like more information or if you would like to take part in GYO 2006 either as an individual or as part of a team, just email