God did not call pastors or any of us to build churches


In our local churches, whose job is it to bring growth? Is it the pastor's job? Or could it be the role of the deacons? Should the congregations build the church? The answer: It's the job of none of us.

God has called His church to do many things, but many of the things we do God never really truly called us to do. Let's take it to the basics -- so many people are trying to save themselves with their own good works, gifts and callings, but the Bible clearly states that it is by grace through faith that we are saved (Ephesians 2:8).

For some weird reason, men are built on the notion that we can do everything on our own. We think we are infinite and limitless in ability, and maybe we are, but it's not because we are powerful or unlimited, but because we are under the providence and sovereignty of an unlimited God.

Now back to church building. When building a local church or even starting a new church plant, Jesus is the one who builds the church. He brings in the harvest, provides the finances and gives us the giftings. Matthew 16:18 tells us, "And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

Our identity in Christ

It all starts by knowing who we are in Christ. Peter was given a fresh and powerful identity by Jesus, who called Him a "rock." It is God who plants us firm as leaders -- whether as volunteers or for vocation.

As Christ calls us into the works of ministry, He starts the work there and then. We need not define ourselves with accomplishments, results or certificates. As leaders, our identity and therefore our qualifications come in Jesus.

The kind of church Christ builds

Jesus not only tells us that He intends to build the church, but He also describes the church that He intends to build: a church so vibrant that "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

It wouldn't be accurate to say that we can't build churches on our own. So many people do, but what comes out is a church that is on the rocks instead of being firm on a rock. What kind of church do you want? Do you want a fumbling, hurting and flawed church or one that is built and mad righteous through the blood of Christ?

What is our job?

So what is our job then? Jesus also makes this clear in His final commission. In Matthew 28:18-19, He says, "...All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

It's Jesus's job to build the church and define what the church is. Our job is to make disciples.