God fights for your joy and peace more than you do


Nowadays peace and joy seem to be such a scarce commodity. So many people, even Christians, find themselves in a position where they lack peace and joy. While we understand Jesus as being the source of peace and joy, just how readily accessible are they and how can we tap to Him as our source?

We all know the peace and joy that is in God's presence. Galatians 5:22–23 tells us just how God abounds in joy and peace as a fruit of His Spirit. And as wonderful as it is that God abounds in such peace and joy, it often feels as if the moment we start hitting some bumps, all those fruits start falling off.

The prevalent issue relies on our means of access to that peace and joy. So many Christians are stuck with the notion that peace and joy are something we have to earn. The world wants us to think we have to earn valuable commodities. We think that the grace and blessing of God is something that we have to work for. If you want peace and joy, you have to pray some more, give some more, read the Bible some more and worship some more. But that's not what the Bible teaches us.

Coming to the heart of God's grace, we come to an understanding that while we fight for peace and joy in this world, sometimes our fighting can feel fruitless because, truth be told, our fighting gets us nowhere. Not because we've lost, but because we're fighting a battle that has already been won by Christ on the cross.

A month back, I went to the beach with family and friends and along the shore was a hill with a lighthouse at the top. We all wanted to go there, but we couldn't find a trail, so we trekked through thick bushes and risky slopes to get to the lighthouse. Upon reaching the top, we found on the opposite side of the hill were carved-up steps to get to the top way faster and way easier.

Sometimes in our battle for God's peace and joy, we find ourselves in a parallel situation. We try to work our way to the top the hard way, only to find there was an easy trail all along. That easy trail is no less than the work of Christ.

Hebrews 12:1 says, "looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God" (ESV).

What was the joy set before Christ and who was it for? That joy was no less than the joy of God and it was meant for you and me. Jesus endured the cross, the shame and won the battle for you to experience true joy and peace. You don't have to fight for it anymore because Jesus fought for it for you. Not only that, He has won the battle of peace and joy for you, and all He asks you to do now is to stand in His presence and receive His peace and joy.

Philippians 4:7 says, "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (ESV).