God's kingdom: is being comfortable stopping you from going out to the world with the message of Jesus?


Most people nowadays associate the word "church" with buildings and structures where the faithful meet for corporate worship, but we must always remember that the kingdom of God should never be confined within walls.

God's kingdom can simply be defined as "a place where God is King." Jesus told His disciples to ask the Father to let His kingdom come, and to let His will be done "here on earth as it is in heaven" when they pray (see Matthew 6:9-10). It should be our desire to see God enthroned in the lives and hearts of every person, and that His will might be done at all times and in all places.

As such, we need to realise that what God wants for the church is not to grow comfortable inside walls, but rather for the church, the whole body of believers, to "go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation" (Mark 16:15). The gospel isn't only for the people we like to share it with – it's for everybody, "as many as the Lord our God will call" (see Acts 2:39).

The Church cannot be limited by walls

Walls indicate boundaries. But because of the love of God, walls that stop the church from sharing the goodness of God in Christ must be broken down! We must be willing to go all out for the sake of Jesus.

Here are some walls that churches need to break through if they want the kingdom of God to spread:

Wall no. 1: Comfort

Believers meeting together is wonderful. It provides a safe zone where the faithful can freely express their heart for the Lord, but because Jesus said "if you love me, keep My commands" (see John 14:15) we must go out and preach the gospel (see Matthew 28:18-20) as an act of love for Him, regardless of the risks.

Wall no. 2: Wrong mindsets

Some wrong mindsets have kept believers locked for so long. Some think that they aren't ready; some think they are inadequate or incapable. The truth is that we have all that we will need because Christ has promised to be with us "always, to the very end of the age" (see Matt. 28:20).

Wall no. 3: Sin

Sin will always hinder us, that is why the writer to the Hebrews said that we should throw it off so that we can "run the race with perseverance" (see Hebrews 12:1).

Wall no. 4: Differences

Believers are divided because of differences in preferences, but in reality this should not be (see Luke 9:49-50). We believe in the same God the Father who loved us, the same God the Son that was sent as a propitiation for our sin, and the same Holy Spirit that dwells inside each of us. We should value our diversity and use it to further the gospel!