God's timing: Learning to love the gift of waiting


When faced with a moment where patience is stretched, most people will quickly label it as a challenge. But did you know that many times God gives us patience as a gift and not a burden? It is in waiting that we see the power of Jesus move on our behalf as we are asked only to be patient.

There is something about us that makes us feel burdened to wait. No one likes to wait and we now live in a world where people are prepared to pay just to shorten wait times and get things quicker. But if we look at how God works in the Bible and even today, He has a habit of making people wait.

We don't like to wait, but God loves watching us wait because it is in waiting in Him that we can learn to trust and believe in Him more. Isaiah 8:17 says, "I will wait for the Lord, who is hiding his face from the house of Jacob, and I will hope in him." A time of waiting is a time of great blessing because it is in waiting that we allow God to move the way He would and the way He will.

We can be quick to believe in the lie that we know better than God. We'd rather have things our way thinking that no one - not even our Heavenly Father and Creator - knows better than us when it comes to determining our current needs. Be assured today that God knows your needs and He is very eager to meet them. Matthew 6:8 reminds you that "...your Father knows what you need before you ask him..."

When we wait on God, we wait for His best knowing that He makes all things work together and in the right time and at the right moment. We could have things our way no doubt, and sometimes our way can be good because God is gracious enough to give you free will and independent ability, but none of the things we do will ever be better than what the Lord can provide.

When we want financial blessing, God will give you that plus a right heart and attitude. When we want to find jobs, God will give us more than that and reward us with purpose. God is always ahead of us in terms of preparing the best for us. You think you want the best for yourself? Wait until you hear what God wants for you.

Hebrews 12:1-2 tells us, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith."

Through Christ, we already have the best in store for our lives - the best purpose, the best provisions, the best breakthroughs. All God asks us to do is wait for Him to move and put our trust in Him as we wait and watch Him move in the timing He has so perfectly set for all of us.