Google fixes burger and beer emoji with Android Oreo 8.1

Android Oreo is the latest version of Google's mobile operating system.Android official website

Google is finally fixing its burger and beer emoji characters with the release of the latest update for its Android operating system, Oreo 8.1.

The update includes a new burger emoji that places the cheese on top of the patty, instead of its previous placement under the patty. The change comes after Google was called out by many fans for the inaccurate placement of its burger ingredients.

The beer emoji also gets revised. The new character now has a mug that is filled with beer, which makes sense given that its top is filled with froth. Previously the beer emoji included the frothy top even though the beer mug was only half full.

The changes come after the Google emoji were featured in a number of articles, calling out the burger's incorrect stack and the beer's nonsensical frothy top. The topic became popular all over the internet, with users comparing Google's emoji characters with those of Apple, Samsung, and LG.

The topic became so widespread that Google's chief executive officer Sundar Pichai had to intervene, humorously promising to drop everything and address the issue.

With the new update, supported devices will sport the corrected images. However, Samsung users will still have to make do with its burger emoji, which places the cheese in between the lettuce and the tomato, something that many users find even more ridiculous than Google's burger emoji.

Aside from fixing the emoji, Android Oreo 8.1 comes as a minor maintenance release, with a bunch of bug fixes that would improve the overall performance of Android devices. The update also comes with a new Neural Networks API that is designed to support machine learning operations on mobile phones. This will improve artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities of phones, and it will act as a base layer that more advanced AI frameworks of the future can utilize.