Google Home vs. Amazon Echo news: Which is the better buy?

A promotional photo for Google HomeMade by Google website

There is no doubt that Google Home and Amazon Echo are two of the most popular smart speakers in the market today. However, statistics say that Echo had a better two-year start when compared to Google Home.

Now, Google is celebrating the first-year anniversary of its smart speaker, the Google Home. With it, it has also incorporated new features to make up for its technological gap when compared to the Amazon Echo.

Because of this, it's very clear that Google knows its place in the competition as it is the underdog against Amazon's own smart speaker system. According to Tech Crunch, Google Home has been defeated by Amazon Echo since its release in the market.

However, things are going the other way around now because of the new features that Google incorporated into the device's updated model. Features such as the new proactive notification system are doing a very good thing in Google's competition against Amazon's Echo.

This is despite the limited features that the Home has. Experts say that it has a lot to do with the reputable brand that Google has. Reports also have it that Google is slowly overtaking Amazon when it comes to popularity and sales because of the more robust design of the Home.

There's also a big problem for Amazon since it doesn't have its own mobile devices, compared to that of Google's Pixel and Apple's iPhones. With these perspectives, the Amazon Echo can also be called a "limited" device.

According to the Daily Dot, if the current trend of technical improvement and reputation build up continues for Google Home, there are no doubt that Amazon's hopes of entering the tech industry will soon come to a standstill. For now, Google Home and Amazon Echo are two very similar smart speaker products.

However, based on the plans suggested by Google, it is pretty clear that the Home is going to get major upgrades that will give it a big edge over the Amazon Echo. It's all up to the R&D teams of the two companies as to how they will effectively compete.