Google news: Fired employee sues company for discrimination

Reflection of Google's logo as displayed on its headquartersReuters

Apparently, Google has a penchant for discriminating its conservative white employees, as an ex-employee from the company has filed a class action lawsuit against them for discrimination.

James Damore, a former Google engineer, is now suing Google for a supposed discrimination against conservative white men. The case has already been filed in California Superior Court since it is illegal in that state to discriminate someone simply based on their political opinion.

Damore was fired by Google after he wrote a memo which sharply criticized Google's efforts to promote diversity. Apparently, apart from being fired, Damore stated in the lawsuit that he was laughed at, insulted, and even attacked for his gesture and memo. This earned the attention of David Gudeman, also a former Google employee who has had reservations with the company and compelled him to join Damore in his lawsuit.

Gudeman was fired on Dec. 2016 from Google after he rallied in support of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in their effort target one of the Muslim employees of Google for investigation. Gudeman was fired by the human resources of Google for this, where the company reasoned that it was unacceptable for Gudeman to accuse a colleague of terrorism based on religion.

"Damore, Gudeman, and other class members were ostracized, belittled, and punished for their heterodox political views, and for the added sin of their birth circumstances of being Caucasians and/or males," as was stated on the lawsuit.

Apart from that, there also mentions of bonuses being given to peers who argued against Damore and other individuals sharing the same opinion as him, as well as conservative white men like Damore being "booed" during company meetings by none other than supervisors and executives of the company.

Meanwhile, Google has stated that it will remain adamant with its reasons for firing Damore and Gudeman among other conservative white males and are actually looking forward to defending against the lawsuit.