Google Nexus 7 2016 specs from Google Pixel C?

Google's Pixel C tablet. It is rumored that the next Nexus 7 iteration may be a toned-down version of the latest Google lineup.Pixel C Google website

According to speculations, Google is currently thinking of taking another stab at the Nexus 7 tablet next year. Although the tech giant still has to confirm this, rumors have already floated online that the next Nexus tablet would be close to the specs, or at least a toned down version of, the recently released Pixel C.

According to Yibada, the Pixel C may be the template that Google would want for a 7-inch tablet. Some of the specs of the Pixel C may carry over to the next Nexus tablet iteration. For example, much like its predecessors, the 2016 iteration of the Nexus 7 tablet may also use an Nvidia Tegra processor. The Google Pixel C launched with an Nvidia Tegra X1 mobile chipset.

The industry follower then surmised that in order for the new Nexus 7 to compete with other tablets in the category, it should come out with a similar processor, or at least a slightly toned down version like the Tegra K1 chipset featured in the Nexus 9 lineup.

In addition to the Nvidia Tegra chipset, the 2016 Nexus 7 may also base its RAM capacity on the 3-GB one found in the Google Pixel C. Should Google decide that the next Nexus 7 will be a base model tablet, the minimum RAM might be at least 2 GB, the same computing power as Google's closest competitor, Apple's iPad Mini 4.

However, much of the specs sheet for the upcoming 2016 Nexus 7, should there be one, remain as hearsay. Google has yet to name a partner manufacturer for its next Nexus tablet iteration. According to speculations, one name that keeps on cropping up is China-based Huawei. There might be some truth to the rumors as Huawei has just done a successful Nexus device in Nexus 6P and is considered a tech manufacturer in good standing worldwide.