GOP presidential bet Mike Huckabee bitter at evangelical leaders for not backing him

Mike Huckabee says for evangelical leaders, it’s ‘not always about the principles and the convictions.’Reuters

Former Arkansas governor and Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee said on Wednesday that evangelical leaders are not supporting him because they are actually "scared to death" that he would win this year's elections and give them nothing more to do.

"A lot of them, quite frankly, are scared to death that if a guy like me got elected I would do what I actually said I'm going to do," he said on Fox News Radio's "Todd Starnes Podcast."

"A lot of these organisations have the ability to do urgent fund-raising," Huckabee added. "If we slay the dragon, what dragon do they continue to fight?"

Huckabee said if he takes away their purpose and responsibilities, then their organisations' ability "to gin up their supporters and raise their contributions" will be stripped off as well.

However, this can be a good thing because Huckabee said a lot of religious faith organisations are actually misleading donors concerning their spiritual obligations.

"It seems like the criteria I've been told for selecting candidates is very secular," he said. "It's about, well, this person is polling well or this person has the cash. I just feel like there comes a point in our lives where we either believe in a great God who does great things and uses the weak sometimes to get it done."

"Or else we don't believe that, and we get human might, and all the human resources, and we live and die by the human sword," he said.

Huckabee also claimed that evangelical leaders are using their faith for ulterior motives. For them, it is "not always about the principles and the convictions."

"I know that sounds cynical, but it is what it is. I can't just abandon issues that to me are moral issues. That's the price you pay," he said.