GOP Presidential Debate 2015 live stream (Fox News TV): Watch Republican debate tonight online

The first Republican Presidential Debate of 2015 takes place on Thursday night and will feature the top 10 GOP contenders in what many are anticipating to be a massive night for each of them in the race for the Republican ticket. The GOP Presidential Debate 2015 has a start time of 9 p.m. ET and can be watched on TV on the Fox News network, and the debate can also be watched online through live stream via the link below.

Republican presidential candidates (top row, from left) Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, (bottow row, from left) Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Chris Christie and John Kasich are seen in a combo of recent file photos.Reuters

Tonight's presidential debate will feature the biggest names among the huge field of Republican contenders, and includes the current front runner, Donald Trump. Many analysts say that tonight's debate will be a huge opportunity for Trump, as he has already gained the support of a large portion of the GOP electorate.

However, he is a divisive character, and the same strong and at-times reckless comments that have won him the backing of some, have also pushed other core voters further away.

Tonight, many say, will be the chance for Trump to win over voters who have not been attracted to him so far. However, to do so he may have to come across as a lot more serious, and talk more substantively about core issues. Whether he will do so, or continue on the same manner as he has done until now remains to be seen. But if he remains the same Trump as voters have seen over the past month, then analysts believe he will simply solidify the support of his current fan base, and push those who dislike him even further away.

Jeb Bush is another candidate who must deliver tonight. He was supposed to be the front-runner at this stage, but Trump has swallowed up all the oxygen in the presidential race coverage, and this has seen Bush slipping and fighting just to keep close to Trump's numbers in the polls.

One of the main obstacles Bush has though is not Trump, but rather his own name, with many voters adamant that they want nothing less than a third Bush in the White House following Jeb's brother and father. He will look to distance himself from his family's political background, and will want to shine through as his own man tonight.

Other candidates tonight include Scott Walker, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Chris Christie and John Kasich.

The first Republican Presidential Debate in 2015 will take place on the Fox News network and has a start time of 9 p.m. ET. The debate can be watched online through live stream by clicking here.



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