Gospel singer Carman Domenic Licciardello, known to his fans simply as Carman, has reached the age of 61 without ever getting married.
Recently, Carman revealed on his Facebook page that he almost got married to a woman named Jenny Brown. Sadly, she passed away before they could tie the knot.
"This Valentine's Day, thoughts came crashing back that I had long since kept submerged. It took until now to write about it. 'She's gone' were the words I heard on the telephone that shattered my heart in 1,000 pieces on a Sunday morning in July of 2009," he wrote.
Carman revealed that Brown was killed in a small plane crash while flying home from a dance contest. He remembered Brown as an "unusually bright and bubbly" woman who always had "100 smart ideas coming from all different directions."
"She was the marketing director for the Fun Bike center in Lakeland, Florida," he shared. "Jenny was petite and cute as a button with the most charming little voice that could switch from business mogul to a little girl in seconds."
Carman regards himself as pessimistic, but said Brown was his exact opposite, a woman who always had something to say to encourage him. He said they had a lot of fond memories together laughing by the ocean.
They already had a wedding date set, and Carman was already looking for a ring to surprise her with. But she passed away before they could start their lives together.
"It's taken me eight years to bring myself to say anything about it. It was just too hard," Carman said. But there is someone who helped the singer get over his heartbreak: God. Carman said those who are brokenhearted should lean on to Him as well.
"Maybe you, too, have been through something similar and want to share it. For those of you with broken hearts just know, you're not alone. God is still the mender of the brokenhearted and life, though at times unbearable, really does go on," he said.
Earlier, one fan asked Carman if he ever had any plans to get married. The singer answered that he is not closing down any doors for a new romance, but he is not actively searching for a wife either.
"I'm just one of those people who's very content with wherever I am in life," he said. Sometimes the singer is surrounded by thousands of people, and sometimes he is completely alone, but Carman said he is "cool either way." He could also live in a bus, a hotel, a farm, a small apartment or a mansion and offer no complaints. Carman said he is "quite content with whatever lot in life God provides."