Government Offers £4.5 Million to Boost Work of Faith Communities

|TOP|Faith groups that work to promote greater understanding and dialogue within the community could benefit from £4.5 million of fresh funding as the government launches the second round of the Faith Communities Capacity Building Fund.

The first round of the fund was launched in 2005 as part of the Government’s ‘Improving Opportunity, Strengthening Society’ strategy and has since awarded £7.75 million to 588 organisations.

Faith groups can now apply for a share in the latest funding pot which will be allotted according to two focus areas – capacity building and interfaith activity, reports Government News Network.

Minister for Local Government and Community Cohesion, Phil Woolas, welcomed the new funding.

|AD|"Supporting faith communities to play a fuller part in civil society is key to creating a cohesive British society,” he said.

“By bringing together people of different faiths and cultures barriers of misunderstanding can be broken down and partnerships created."

The funding for capacity building will focus on strengthening the organisational capacities of the faith groups and enable them to deepen their engagement in civil society. It will also enable them to engage more effectively with public authorities.

The interfaith funding will bring a welcome boost to programmes designed to bring together different faith groups within the community in a context that will promote mutual understanding, cooperation and respect.

It is hoped the funding will contribute to community cohesion by supporting the development of partnerships between faith groups as well as new partnerships between faith groups and the wider community.

The allocation of funding will also prioritise ‘faith and shared citizenship’ – projects which will support the development of a culture of tolerance and respect within and between individual faith communities.