Government opens consultation on ‘unnecessary’ laws

The coalition Government has opened a consultation inviting members of the public to suggest laws they think should be repealed.

The Your Freedom consultation was launched Thursday and has already received more than 2,200 suggestions, 7,400 comments and 18,000 votes.

Members of the public are invited to suggest laws for removal on the Your Freedom website or add their comments to and rate suggestions that have already been added to move them up the list.

The Government said the consultation was aimed at creating a “more open and less intrusive society” and removing existing laws and regulations, rather than creating new ones.

"We're working to create a more open and less intrusive society. We want to restore Britain’s traditions of freedom and fairness, and free our society of unnecessary laws and regulations – both for individuals and businesses," its website said.

In a YouTube video to launch the consultation, Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg said: “For too long new laws have taken away your freedom, interfered in everyday life and made it difficult for businesses to get on.

“We want your ideas on how to change that. Ideas on how we restore hard won freedoms that have been lost, on how we repeal unnecessary laws that have amassed into the statute books, on how we strip away restrictive regulations that stop businesses from innovating.”

He insisted that every comment and suggestion would be read and may influence Bills brought before Parliament.

“For the first time in a long time government is listening and will put the best suggestions into practice. It’s a totally new way of making policy and putting you in charge.”

The consultation will be seen as good news by Christians alarmed over changes to the law in recent years that have made it more difficult for them to offer goods and services according to their values and conscience and express their faith in the public square.

Britain's Equality laws especially have come under fire from Christians, including the Pope, for restricting religious freedom. They have resulted in the closure of Catholic adoption agencies which could not in conscience place children with same-sex couples.

News of the consutlation has been welcomed by Christian Concern For Our Nation, which is due to publish guidance for Christians on which laws Christians could put forward for removal.

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