Government tightens Hezbollah ban

The government said on Wednesday it was amending a ban on Hezbollah to cover its entire military wing, accusing the Lebanese group of supporting terrorism in Iraq and the Palestinian territories.

Subject to approval by parliament, the ban replaces a previous one on Hezbollah's "external security organisation". It means the group's entire military wing is outlawed in Britain.

"This means that it will be a criminal offence to belong to, fund-raise and encourage support for the military wing of the organisation," the Home Office said in a statement.

It added that the group's political, social and humanitarian activities would remain unaffected.

"Hezbollah's military wing is providing active support to militants in Iraq who are responsible for attacks both on coalition forces and on Iraqi civilians, including providing training in the use of deadly roadside bombs," the statement said.

"Hezbollah's military wing also provides support to Palestinian terrorist groups in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, such as Palestinian Islamic Jihad. It is because of this support for terrorism in Iraq and Occupied Palestinian Territories that the government has taken this action."

The government said it continued to urge Hezbollah to end "terrorist activity", abandon its status as an armed group and take part in Lebanese democracy on the same terms as other political parties.