'Grand Theft Auto 5': 'Executives and Other Criminals' update now out

The newest update for "Grand Theft Auto 5," known as "Executives and Other Criminals," is now available.

The new update contains a wide variety of new items for players to try out, and arguably among the most exciting of the additions is the option to purchase a super yacht.

Buying a super yacht alone would hardly seem to be enough for "Grand Theft Auto 5" players, so Rockstar has made it possible for players to add some more flourishes to their new luxury vehicle, according to the Express UK.

Among the most notable of the features that players will be able to add are those that can increase the yacht's defenses. Players can apparently complete their yachts with the addition of a sophisticated missile system and even a fully-functioning helipad. Players can even take control of their super yachts to use the weapons at their disposals to blast their opponents out of the water.

Super Yachts are not the only expensive purchases that players can make, thanks to the arrival of the "Executives and Other Criminals" update. 

The new update also adds new houses and apartments that players can purchase along with new cars, helicopters, and clothes.

There's also a new feature that enables players to create their own organizations inside "Grand Theft Auto 5," Gamespot reported.

In order to create their own organization, players must first have at least $1 million of in-game money inside a Maze bank account. Once that prerequisite is met, players can then opt to become VIPs. 

As VIPs, players will now be granted with the ability to create their own organizations, and they will even be able to hire up to three other players and employ them as their personal bodyguards.

The "Executives and Other Criminals" update will also be adding new missions and modes to "Grand Theft Auto 5."

Unfortunately, the latest update for the game is only available for its personal computer (PC), PlayStation 4, and Xbox One ports. The last-gen versions will not be receiving the new update.