'Grant Theft Auto VI' news: Game speculated to release in 2019

GTA V, the current Grand Theft Auto titleRockstar Games

It's been two years since the official launch of "Grand Theft Auto V" and to date its online counterpart, "Grand Theft Auto Online," has become one of the most played AAA titles in recent years. However, according to a report from the Inquisitr, the inevitable release of a true sequel, "GTA VI," is still a few years away.

According to the report, "GTA VI" might see a 2019 release date. This will be a full six years after the release of its predecessor. However, it is important to note that each major "Grand Theft Auto" title sees an average of five years in between release. 

It was previously reported that the gap between "GTA III" and "GTA IV" was a total of seven years, therefore a 2019 release for "GTA VI" would still remain in the realms of possibility. However, if this reasoning is to be followed, it would stand to reason that Rockstar Games is already in the early stages of developing the next game.

The report from Inquisitr also explains that the gap in between releases will allow Rockstar Games to address the common bugs and glitches that have plagued its games. Most notably, "GTA Online" saw a series of bugs and issues upon launch but were fixed with subsequen patch releases.

One factor that may delay the release of "GTA VI" is their current hit, "GTA Online." As seen with Blizzard's "World of Warcraft," a successful online platform may cause the developers to slow down development on the next single player title given that the multiplayer platform will continually require their attention for new content and bug fixes.

"World of Warcraft" was released back in 2004. Ever since its launch, Blizzard has concentrated its resources on it instead of going back to the original RTS title that "Warcraft III" and its expansion had popularized. This diversion of attention may occur with the "Grand Theft Auto" franchise, further delaying the release of "GTA VI."