'Gravity Rush 2' release date, news: release date switched to Jan. 20

A promotional image of "Gravity Rush 2"Sony Entertainment

"Gravity Rush 2" was first showcased during this year's Tokyo Game Show, and it was originally set to launch on the PlayStation 4 this Dec. 2, but the developers, as well as publisher Sony Entertainment, have announced that the game's rollout is being pushed back to January next year.

According to the official PlayStation Blog, the game had been pushed back so that more gamers will have the chance to play it. By pushing it further, it won't have to compete with some AAA games that will launch by late November or early December, such as "Watch Dogs 2," "Pokemon Sun and Moon," and "Final Fantasy XV."

The game is now set to launch on Jan. 20, 2017. This will mean the game is being built from the ground up for the PS4, contrary to the first game, which was initially a PS Vita title before it was remastered for the PS4.

"'Gravity Rush 2' is the conclusion of Kat's journey," explained director Keiichiro Toyama. "So we want players to have enough time to dive deep into her story. In addition, as a lot of work went into online features that allow for asynchronous player interaction, we want as many people as possible playing the title at the same time," he went on to say.

Toyama also explained that they will also be able to make the game live up to the quality that they promised by delaying it.

In consolation for the delay, Toyama stated that the story DLC will now be launched for free. This DLC also takes place in the setting of "Gravity Rush 2," and it serves as something that will further expand the game's lore and characters. It was initially going to be a paid DLC, but it will now be offered for free.

"Gravity Rush 2" will be the conclusion to the series, and an accompanying anime will be launched before the game launches next year. This anime will tell the story set in between the timelines of the two games.