'Grimm' season 4 spoilers: Juliette seeks revenge on Adalind in episode 17 'Hibernaculum'

The upcoming episode of "Grimm" continues to follow Juliette's imminent and, at the same time, gradual departure from her humanity as she becomes more and more of a monster than a loving veterinarian. She has resigned to her terrible fate even if it is something she never would have wanted. 

This, unfortunately, puts everyone around her in danger knowing what horrors a Hexenbiest can do. But Nick has the worst share of this entire situation. As he watches the love of his life unwillingly give herself up to her new monstrous form, the police detective has life-changing decisions to make. 

In episode 17 of "Grimm" season 4 titled "Hibernaculum," which, by the way, is another word for asylum (one that most of these characters so ardently wish to have), Juliette is close to becoming a full-fledged Hexenbiest as she goes out and take vengeance on Adalind. 

It remains to be seen if Nick and the others will stop the rampaging witch who happens to be close to their hearts. And if they do, it is difficult to imagine how they would do so. 

Also in the next installment, Nick has more to take care of other than his Hexenbiest girlfriend. Together with Hank, the duo will dig up all there is to know about a Wesen whose victims are left lifeless and frozen solid. This will pose a great challenge as this creature is rare so not much is known about it. 

Furthermore, Captain Reinard can't just be freed of her bleeding episodes and visions. The installment will show the police captain suffering more of those and worse as this phenomenon is still no more than a mystery. 

Lastly, Monroe is still pulling through from the recent Wesenrein incident and it seems that it won't be that easy.

"Grimm" season 4 episode 17 "Hibernaculum" will air on April 10.