Groundbreaking 'U2Charist' On Worldwide Stage

The groundbreaking 'U2Charist' is going to be featured on the worldwide stage - again.

The popular Irish group's song "If God Will Share His Angels" has been turned into a hymn around the world since Episcopal priest Rev Paige Blair of St. George's Episcopal Church in York Harbor began using the music in her liturgical services last July.

She never thought it would garner worldwide attention.

This week, a reporter from the BBC is in town to tape the U2charist scheduled for 5 p.m. Saturday at St. George's and featuring the "music of the spiritually rich and social justice-oriented rock group U2."

That service then will be part of a show that also will include a taping of a U2 service at a cathedral in Lincolnshire, England.

The final show will include interviews with congregants from York, as well as from England.

"It's really kind of wild," Blair said. "It's amazing what the Internet has done and how it has allowed me to work as a consultant to churches all over the world."