'GTA 5' DLC release date: Stunt Race Creator now available; More clues on 'Biker Gang' DLC uncovered

Rockstar Newswire

Developer Rockstar recently released its "Stunt Creator" DLC. Players can now build simple or insane ramps that will bring another level of excitement. For fans waiting for the rumored "Biker Gang" DLC, more items were discovered by a hardcore fan.

"GTA 5 Online's" Stunt Race Creator DLC follows the same procedures when creating other races for the game. Title description and photo are needed, as well as the race type, route type and vehicles available. Placement of props is next, and players have over 500 props to choose from, Express reported.

Fireworks are also now available, adding visual effects to certain moments on the course. Speaker Props or audio effects and Fast Zoom are also available at the disposable of the fans, giving additional excitement to those who will try out the course. Available sounds are guitar, thunder and animal roars.

"The official launch of the Stunt Race Creator tool will harness the talents of the amazing Creator community to usher in a whole new era of player-made mayhem," Rockstar said previously.

Meanwhile, iDitigal Times reported that fans who have been sifting through the files of the games found more clues that might be connected to the upcoming "Biker Gang" DLC. GTA Expert, a "GTA" fanatic, shared some of the uncovered items, which include an LCC Hexer Chopper lookalike but with different headlights, handlebars and saddle designs, and The Lost Slamvan from the "GTA 4 expansion "The Lost and the Damned."

Additionally, a file named char_mp_biker_mechanic was also stumbled upon, and upon closer inspection, he is known as Al Carter, a still unused character in the game and could be a bike mechanic for the alleged motorcycle customization shop that may soon arrive.

Fans are expecting that the "Biker Gang" DLC could be released anytime this month.