'GTA 5 Online' DLC release date: 'Biker' DLC expected to land on Sept. 20

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"Grand Theft Auto Online," the online multiplayer mode for "GTA V," has always been open to rumors and speculations, particularly surrounding its DLC and planned content. A report from iDigital Times has put out the latest DLC rumor, stating that a "Biker" DLC may be launching on Sept. 20.

According to the report, the DLC was initially expected to launch this past Aug. 23 but it never came to release and instead Rockstar announced a new promo week, dubbed the "Sunday Driver's Week" which runs from Sept. 2 to Sept. 8.During this promo period players earn double GTA cash and reputation points and there is also a 50 percent discount for upgrades at Benny's Original Motor Work.

The report states that Rockstar is also ending the Verified Creator Stunt Races Contest by Sept. 12 and that it is unlikely the "Biker" DLC will be announced until then. It is further hinted that an announcement may be made long before it launches, pointing to a Sept. 13 unveiling of the DLC, even if Sony and Microsoft have not been made aware of it yet.

iDigital Times further reveals that this DLC was first leaked back in July when several codes for in-game items such as weapons and vehicles were found in the game, unused and speculated to be for future content. 

"Grand Theft Auto" tipster Yan2295 has been identified as the primary source of the speculations, particularly the Sept. 20 launch date for the yet-to-be-announced DLC. Yan2295 further explained on Twitter that the cause for the delay is due to several issues, likely prominent bugs and glitches, that still need to be ironed out before launch.

Rockstar Games have yet to make any official comment or announcement regarding their upcoming DLC plans and they have yet to confirm or deny if the "Biker" DLC is indeed real or if the leaked codes may be for something else planned in the future.